Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Adele Earnshaw - "Promise of a Hot Day"

This 8" x 10" oil was done plein air while on a painting trip in north San Diego county, California. I was painting with my friend and fellow SAC instructor, Joe Garcia (come to our workshop in Italy next September!). We started early in the day and went to one of our favorite painting spots. I found the most perfect motif and had just started the painting when an official looking truck arrived on the scene. The driver rolled down his window and asked, 'do you realize you are tresspassing?'. It seems we were painting on a 43,000 acre privately owned 'irrigation district'. It was ten in the morning before we found another perfect place to paint - and by then the sun was intense and the shadows had shortened.

When I'm painting plein air, searching for just the right motif, I often think of the French impressionists who walked, loaded with their painting gear, yet managed to find very paintable landscapes. Yet some days I can drive for twenty miles and not find quite the right spot.

1 comment:

Vicente Herrero said...

Admirable the simplicity and domain(control) of the color that have all you